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PrimeOS with MANJARO

This Article will help you to setup PrimeOS with Manjaro.

PrimeOS operating system gives a complete desktop experience similar to Windows or MacOS with access to millions of Android apps.It is designed to bring you the best of both worlds - a complete fusion of Android and PC.

PrimeOS is another Android-x86 fork

Home Page Xda

Step 1 (Download)

Download PrimeOS ISO file from this page

PrimeOS Mainline 64 bit (for newest systems 2014+)
PrimeOS Standard 64 bit (for newer systems 2011+)
PrimeOS Classic 32 bit (for older systems)

Step 2 (Extract)

copy files

  1. initrd.img
  2. ramdisk.img
  3. system.sfs
  4. install.img
  5. kernel

from ISO to /primeos/ (directory in root of Manjaro)


sudo mkdir /primeos /mnt/primeos
sudo mount -o loop path/to/ISO/file.iso /mnt/primeos
cd /mnt/primeos
sudo cp system.sfs kernel initrd.img install.img ramdisk.img /primeos/
sudo umount /mnt/primeos

Step 3 (Create Persistent Storage)

Make “data” file, you can use 2 ways below:

a. Make data.img with this command:

   sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/primeos/data.img bs=1M count=32768 # 32GB
   sudo mkfs.ext4 /primeos/data.img

b. Or, you can just make some folder with the name is “data”.

If persistent storage is not needed skip this step

Now any changes done in prime os, won’t be saved

Step 4 (Create Boot menu)


Add below lines in “/etc/grub.d/40_custom”

menuentry "PrimeOS"{
        insmod part_gpt
        search --file --no-floppy --set=root /primeos/system.sfs
        linux /primeos/kernel root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.selinux=permissive buildvariant=userdebug SRC=/primeos
        initrd /primeos/initrd.img

then sudo update-grub

Step 5

PrimeOS is setuped successfully. Now reboot, select PrimeOS, and ENJOY :yum: