
blog by Manjaro user for Manjaro users

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Ease MANJARO (ARCH Linux) Installation and Setup

PrimeOS | Manjaro | Windows

Install manjaro /WithWindows, /AlsoPrimeOS and /AlsoKali

To update mirror list for faster pacman ;)

sudo pacman-mirrors -c India

reboot to update changes

Update and Upgrade

sudo pacman -Syyuu to update and upgrade all packages including system packages.

To install earlier versions of package

  1. Download package from
  2. Update it sudo pacman -U path/to/downloaded/package.pkg.tar.xz

frequent pacman errors

  1. “unable to lock database” or “failed to synchronize any databases”

    sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck

  2. “invalid or corrupted package:”

    sudo find /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ -iname "*.part" -exec rm {} ;
    sudo pacman -Syyu

Install some useful packages

sudo pacman -Syu base-devel netcat to install strings(from binutils), make, gcc, netcat, etc.,

sudo pacman -S pacaur to get packages from Arch User Repository
sudo pacman -S snapd snap cross-distribution package manager

also try FLATPAK and AppImage

pacaur -S stacer stacer for system optimizing and monitoring
sudo pacman -S bleachbit htop powertop iftop iotop

sudo pacman -S git git to get packages from open source repos like github,etc,.

sudo pacman -S docker docker to use containers (a form of operating system virtualization)

sudo pacaur -S apt --noedit
yes, you can use apt in manjaro !

but it is still buggy :smirk:

Simple Python Version Management: pyenv

pyenv lets you easily switch between multiple versions of Python.
It’s simple, unobtrusive, and follows the UNIX tradition of single-purpose tools that do one thing well.

you can setup pyenv (py) using a single line
curl -L | sh

this included some useful startup commands
the above line just executes these commands

If you are using Zsh
change ~/.bashrc to ~/.zshrc (or) manually copy paste ‘#pyenv{[\s\S]*#pyenv}’ in .bashrc into ~/.zshrc


sudo pacman -Syu wine
wine to run windows executable in linux


To backup and restore whole system

use timeshift (recommended)
sudo pacman -Syu timeshift

To apply system themes for all apps

While changing theme or style in Appearance section in System Settings, some apps won’t change.

To solve this
You need to set your GTK theme. It is in System Settings > Application Style > GNOME/GTK Application Style

This is because they are gnome/gtk apps, we have to set theme for them seperatly.

Also for browsers we have to make some configurations.

  1. Chromium : enabled the use of gtk3 theme
  2. FireFox :
    1. In Firefox, go to the about:config page (type about:config in the address bar).
    2. Click through the warning dialog.
    3. Right-click anywhere and select New > String.
    4. For the preference name, type widget.content.gtk-theme-override.
    5. For the value, type Breath2-Dark.
    6. Close the about:config tab.
    7. Close and reopen the Firefox application.

For full dark experience in browser, use darkreader


see this

To set default brightness (set at each boot)

just create and add below lines in ‘/etc/udev/rules.d/81-backlight.rules’ file

# Set backlight level to 15 
SUBSYSTEM=="backlight", ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="amdgpu_bl0", ATTR{brightness}="15"

you can find ‘KERNEL’ in ‘/sys/class/backlight/’, which is just a directory name
more info

If you can’t able to change screen brightness by keys

  1. add GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_backlight=none" line in ‘/etc/default/grub’
  2. sudo update-grub
  3. reboot

Extra tools